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          Thermal Camera
          Protect the safety of life and property.
          Thermal Camera Technology Product List Press Release
          Thermal cameras detect infrared radiation from wavelength 8μm to 14μm, and convert it into a thermo graphic images using differences in heat, making it visible regardless of lighting conditions. Thermal camera is widely used in applications such as perimeter security and over-heating detection.
          UNV thermal cameras can be widely used in border, gas stations, chemical plants, museum, machine room, etc. They features excellent detection performance based on Bi-spectrum, fire detection via advanced algorithm, and accurate behavior analysis functions based on deep learning algorithm including line crossing, intrusion, region entry and exit.
          Up to 384 x 288 resolution; Adopt Vanadium Oxide Uncooled Focal Plane Arrays; NETD is less than 50 mk; 75mm fixed lens for positioning system, 50mm fixed lens for PTZ, 3.2mm fixed lens for bullet.
          Up to 1920 x 1080 resolution; 55x optical zoom for positioning system; 38x optical zoom for PTZ; 4mm fixed lens for bullet
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