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          Cookie Policy

          I. What are cookies and their purposes

          In order to guarantee normal and efficient running of website, to provide you with more related services, and to allow you have easier and more convenient access experience, we will save relevant information on your computer or mobile device, and when you browse the website of Uniview Technologies, a folder will be downloaded to your computer for the purpose of improving user’s experience.

          II. Cookies that are used by Uniview Technologies

          ASP.NET_SessionIdSession cookie  
          sems.cn-uniview.comIt is to save the session id  
          USER_LANGUAGEPersistent cookieIt is to remember the page language30 days
          _gatPersistent cookieGoogle Analytics cookie. Used to throttle request rate1 minute
          _gaPersistent cookieGoogle Analytics cookie. Used to distinguish users.2 years
          _gidPersistent cookieGoogle Analytics cookie. Used to distinguish users.24 hours
          CNZZDATA1258418437Persistent cookieCnzz Analytics cookie. Used to distinguish users.6 months
          UM_distinctidPersistent cookieCnzz Analytics cookie. Used to distinguish users.6 months

          III. Your rights

          If you want to revoke the agreement for us to use such cookies, you may change settings of your browser to delete cookies from us or any other third party. You may also change settings of your browser to completely block the website from setting cookies or cookies from any third party. If you choose to block setting of certain cookies by us, you may find that some functions are not available, or certain part of the website would not be loaded. Therefore, you are advised not to delete cookies.

          IV. Contact us

          Please contact us through security@uniview.com if you have any question about the use of cookies by Uniview Technologies.


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